
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2023

POST 4: Time travel to the Future or Past

In these days I think about my own future because of my career, at least when people ask me. Where Is the next place or job I will make? That’s why the short answer is about look at myself some years later, there’s something intriging about me right now, so I think in the future I will create a lot of memories too.  I make this statement taking into account looking at myself in 10 more years. Because during my career here at the campus I would like to achieve everything that my abilities allow me. For example, years ago I was a teacher, and months later I recieved a call to play in the orchestra.  If you ask me where I want to be in the future, it’s a little bit complicated. I have traveled a lot, so when I will search myself in the future, Where will I be? Playing drums in front of the greengrocery near my home? Or with an big orchestra in a far town? Yeah, that’s a reason why I can’t think too much about travel to the future, my life is too much different when I talk about places and

The best concert

The best concert I've ever been to is Quilapayun.  It was in the context of the 2019 university mobilization, when one day some classmates said that this group would be at the Isidora Zegers Hall. The university was under student occupation, so the logistics of the concert had to be made by the students. We spent a whole afternoon working so that everything would go well. Planning the schedules, welcoming the roadies and musicians, and cleaning up were some of the jobs that had to be done to make this concert happen.  In the end, everything went very well and it was a very exciting concert for the students who attended. In general, I wouldn't rate this one as the best, but it was a very interesting one!